Quantcast Vegetarian StarKanye West Fatburger Business Falls Flat On Its Fat Face

Kanye West

Kanye West‘s attempts to turn residents in the Chicagoland area into burger lovers has failed.

West’s company, KW Foods, LLC, developed 10 Fat Burger restaurants in the region, but after a year and a half of doing burger business, the first of the restaurants has already closed due to financial performance.

Did West not pick up on the trend that Americans are just not that into meat anymore?

In 2009, there was a dramatic drop in U.S. per capita meat consumption. But there’s something even more ironic.

That same year, an online publication called “Meat International” published an article in which Cattle-Fax Executive Vice President, Randy Blach, said decline in demand was the biggest challenge facing the US beef industry.

Trying to view that same article today results in a page that reads the following:

“Meat International has been closed”

“Due to a “perfect storm” of factors including changes of strategy by our mother publishing company, downsizing, and the economic impacts of the financial crisis on advertising, Meat International, the only global magazine on the meat industry and its accompanying website has come to an end.”

Guess meat porn is also losing its X Factor in the publishing industry.

Photo: PR Photos

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2 Responses to “Kanye West Fatburger Business Falls Flat On Its Fat Face”

  1. Jim Duncan Says:

    Trend? That’s original. You’re forgetting how broke a$$ the US population has become in recent times. And another thing, this trend you tout so wonderful is nothing more than population control. Read Agenda 21 and related eugenics propoganda. Humans are designed to eat meat. But if you choose to live in your meatless ecofantasyland, leaving more meat for the rest of us to eat, I say enjoy!

  2. Bubba Says:

    Humans are designed to eat meat!?! What a stupid & ignorant thing to spout. I’m 225lbs, 15% body fat & can bench press over 300lbs on a VEGAN diet. You’re a heartless turd who promotes cruelty to animals