Quantcast Vegetarian StarIn-N-Out Secret Vegetarian Menu And Oatmeal Tacos (Video)

In-N-Out supposedly has a secret menu that is not so secret.


After Patch discussed their experiences with ordering off the covert menu, CNN repeated the experiment to see if they could get world class customer service by ordering and receiving items like, “Flying Dutchman,” “Rootbeer Float,” and “Animal Style Fries.”

It worked.

On that secret menu includes a veggie burger, which isn’t really a burger, but vegetables between a bun. There’s also a grilled cheese–basically the same as the veggie burger but the cheese is melted.

Not bad for a fast food establishment. But can we do better? In the words of the current U.S. president, “Yes, we can!”

Taco Bell is being sued because someone claims some items on its menu contain only 35% beef, the rest being a blended mixture of basically oats and corn starch.

Dropping the beef and keeping the 65% “other” filling sounds good to us.

Yo quiero un Quaker Oats taco!

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One Response to “In-N-Out Secret Vegetarian Menu And Oatmeal Tacos (Video)”

  1. Kat Says:

    I love how the ‘healthy’ option is meat in between lettuce, not the veggies…right lol.