Quantcast Vegetarian StarRobin Quivers Cat, Brangelina, Is Getting Kidney Transplant

Robin Quivers‘ cat, Brangelina Quivers, is getting a kidney transplant.

If you think you spend a lot on cat food, you should hear what Quivers is spending on the cat’s surgery.

According to the Howard Stern Examiner, Quivers told the Howard Stern Show audience on Tuesday the procedure is going to cost $15,000!

The obvious question here is how the kidney is going to be obtained from the other cat.

Rest assured, every feline is being saved here and Quivers is adopting the donor cat.

Brangelina (or rather, her owner) has opted for surgery at Penn Vet, the University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine, most likely due to its top ranked surgeons, award winning pain killer program and gourmet kibble meals for in-patient stays.

Quivers said of her 6-year old companion, “This cat is one of the sweetest animals you could ever meet. She’s an angel.”


Photo: PR Photos

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