Quantcast Vegetarian StarBetty Whites Reveals On “The View” She Prefers Dogs To People (Video)

Betty White is almost in the nonagenarian club!

The actress and animal welfare activist turned 89 recently and appeared on The View to discuss her latest projects, an indication she’s not slowing down anytime soon.

Barbara Walters reminded White that during one interview she told her she liked animals more than people.

“That’s true,” White said, eliciting laughter from the group. “I don’t make it a secret.”

“They never lie to you. You know when they tell you something, they mean it. They love you unconditionally,” White continued.

It’s no surprise this actress has been active with the Morris Animal Foundation, a research group that has aimed to improve the lives of dogs by conducting studies on dog bite education and creating ways to determine a dog’s compatibility in the home.

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2 Responses to “Betty Whites Reveals On “The View” She Prefers Dogs To People (Video)”

  1. Karina Says:

    Me too, Betty. Me too.

  2. Linda Says:

    Betty also works with Actors and Others for Animals. They will be honoring her on April 9th at the Universal Hilton and Tower Ballroom if anyone wants to attend.