Quantcast Vegetarian StarJessica Simpson Improving Vegan Cooking Skills

Jessica Simpson Improving Vegan Cooking Skills

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 14th, 2011 in Actresses, Books, Female Singers, Food & Drink.

Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson is getting more vegan the closer to the date she marries fiance Eric Johnson.

After Tweeting about trying the diet for a weekend, eating Earth Balance non-dairy butter and her Thanksgiving experience with tofu turkey, the pop singer is reportedly now trying to improve her cooking skills with vegan cookbooks and picking up vegan entrees at Madeline Bistro in Tarzana, California.

Madeline Bistro’s executive chef is Dave Anderson, one of the chefs who helped design Oprah Winfrey‘s 21-day vegan cleanse, formulating recipes for the meals that were shipped to her.

Anderson has written for both mainstream and green magazines such as Variety, Yoga Journal and Vegetarian Times.

If you’re in need of some mad veg cooking skills to keep your partner from straying to the frozen microwave dishes, check out one of Amazon’s Best Vegan Cookbooks lists, which contains titles from Mark Bittman and famous NYC vegan restaurant owner of Candle 79, Joy Pierson.

Photo: John VanderHaagen/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Jessica Simpson Improving Vegan Cooking Skills”

  1. Katherine Says:

    The smartest this girl has ever been 😉