Quantcast Vegetarian StarDr. Oz Little Green Drink Makes That Little Black Dress Look Great

Dr. Oz Green Drink

It seems the important things in life are designated by colors.

The infamous black book. The little black dress.

When Dr. Oz celebrated his 100th episode of “The Dr. Oz Show,” he shared the recipe for his Green Drink.

It’s a low-calorie breakfast drink that combines fruits and vegetables and only requires a simple blender–not a high end juicer–to create.

The green drink may be a good way for you to stay looking great in that black dress or add more numbers in your book.

We’re wondering if  that manly looking cowboy or the firefighters Oz turned vegan for a month chugged this instead of a beer to get into shape.

Grab the recipe on The Dr. Oz Show website.

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