Quantcast Vegetarian StarCarrie Underwood Stays Out Of Others’ Meat Business

Carrie Underwood Stays Out Of Others’ Meat Business

Written by Vegetarian Star on January 10th, 2011 in Female Singers, Food & Drink.

If you’re uneasy about cooking meat for your friends and family because of your vegetarian ethics, just tell them if they pressure you into cooking for them, you’ll kill them.

Not with the butcher knife, but with e. coli and salmonella and all other conditions you can get from eating under cooked meat (heck, even cooked meat still carries those buggers around).

That’s what Carrie Underwood tells her meat eating family when it’s time to gather in the kitchen.

The vegetarian singer had an interview with country music station US 99.5 where she explained how the deal works when she, husband Mike Fisher and his mother cook a meal together.

“I don’t wanna be responsible for cooking meat cause I’ll get everyone landed in the hospital. Some people, like, drag me into this horrible conversation about how you should eat meat. I’m like, ‘Wait a minute. I don’t care what you put in your body, leave me out of this.”

You can listen to the entire talk with Carrie and judge whether or not she’s picking up a Canadian accent from traveling to Canada with Fisher here.

Photo: the_diet_starts_mond ay/Creative Commons

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2 Responses to “Carrie Underwood Stays Out Of Others’ Meat Business”

  1. l Says:

    you guys always misquote people and exploit what they say and manipulate their words to try to get YOUR point across and your opinions across. if you quote somebody, use the entire quote. you guys are worse than us weekly. she did not say she wouldnt cook it because ity would send them to the hospital becase meat is SO horrible and filled with didease causing bacteria, she said she did not want to be responsible for the meat becasue she doesn’t want to send them to the hospital becase she doesnt know what she’s doing and does not know how to cook it. you guys always do this and it is so annoying. i am a vegetarian, but i see what you always do. funny you you guys put a period after ‘send them to the hospital’ and conviently left bout the ;because i don’t know what i’m doing.’ stop shoving your opinions down our throats through other people. they are not you puppets.

  2. them Says:

    Um, hello, what do you expect from a website called ‘vegetarianstar” – they are about promoting vegetarianism so of course they are going to shove that opinion down people’s throats!!! If you don’t like it, go to carnivorestar.com or something.

    Besides, meat IS filled with harmful bacteria, and many times even cooking does not get rid of it.