Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrandy Norwood Going Vegan In 2011

Brandy Norwood

Brandy Norwood

Brandy Norwood (singer Brandy) has been rumored to be vegetarian, but according to a feature in US Magazine on celebrity New Year’s resolutions, Brandy is thinking of taking her diet a step further and give up eggs and dairy. Again.

“Just being healthier,” Brandy said. “I’m going to try to go back to being a vegan.”

Sounds as if she’s been down this path before.

If a diet change involving animal products is your New Year’s resolution, you may want to do it, excuse the pun, “cold turkey,” according to Reid Hester, director of research at Behavior Therapy Associates.

Hester, in an article on resolutions at Time, explained that completing stopping a behavior, even for a little bit of time, can help conquer it completely, as this action helps stop the, “habitual, automatic aspect of the unwanted activity.”

Hester and colleagues use this technique with problem drinkers, having them abstain completely from alcohol, then gradually allowing them to drink in moderation.

If your goal is to eat less meat, avoid the burgers for an entire month. If you can’t resist, then try being a weekday vegetarian or vegan until six. Who knows? You may find every day taste better plant-based!

Photo: Timothy M. More/Creative Commons

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