Quantcast Vegetarian StarJoe Jonas, Veggie Dinosaurs, “Top Chef,” Oh My (Video)

Joe Jonas was a guest judge on a recent episode of “Top Chef,” where teams had to prepare snacks for children participating in a sleepover at a museum. The chef teams took on two different snack plans, the “Tyrannosaurus Rex,” consisting of meat and dairy to match the carnivorous animal’s diet and “Brontosaurus,” a fruit and veggie snack plan.

Points lost here for not mentioning that Brontosaurus got a name change AND a head change and they all should be addressing him as Apatosaurus now. But at least they’re promoting veggies for children. Nutrition first. Then tackle science.

Do we really have to explain that the carnivores could have only had worst luck if a giant asteroid fell and made them extinct? Undercooked frittatas and bad tasting pork were no match for gnocchi, parfaits and gazpacho and team wrongly named Brontosaurus won the challenge.

Speaking of names, who the heck is Joe Jonas? A pastry chef, if you ask Season 4 former contestant Dale Talde.

Watch “Night At The Museum” below.

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