Quantcast Vegetarian StarChild Nutrition Bill Changes The Lunch Lady Experience


The Child Nutrition Bill was passed by Congress and sent to Obama for his signature.

The bill received criticism from some who accused it of being overreaching and dictator-like in determining what’s acceptable for school children to eat while engaged in school activities. Bake sales may be a thing of the past, as the bill gives the government the ability to limit these if it determines they are being emphasized too much over healthy food.

The bill gives more money to schools to purchase food for meals, makes more children eligible for free or reduced lunch and gives cafeteria staff education in nutrition training. There’s also a mandatory $40 million in school garden and Farm To School programs to source ingredients from local producers.

The school gardens portion of the bill may boost students’ critical thinking skills as well as get their nutrition needs fulfilled. Third, fourth and fifth graders participating in school gardening curricula while receiving traditional classroom based education scored better on achievement tests than students who received classroom education only.

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