Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Vegucating Robin” Debuts With Cannellini Bean Concerto (Video)

The first episode in a web-based series featuring Robin Quivers and a vegan chef through various culinary adventures has been posted to YouTube.

“Vegucating Robin” is Quivers’ way of introducing herself to new vegan dishes since experiencing food monotony after being vegan for five years.

Quivers and Chef Gavan make “Cannellini Bean Concerto,” a vegan dish that requires only eight ingredients, which is a nice change from recipes found in many cookbooks, magazines and elsewhere that sometimes require you spend twice as much on groceries in order to purchase the ingredients for one new dish.

In this episode, Quivers helps name the dish, describing it as something that “brings all the flavors together,” making it a “concerto.”

The recipe for Cannellini Bean Concerto can be found at GavanMurphy.com/vegucating-robin. Hopefully, all future recipes from the episodes will also be available to print.

Stay tuned for December 8th’s show titled, “It’s not pesto without pine nuts!”

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