Quantcast Vegetarian StarOlivia Wilde “Flaunt” Photos Flaunt Her Curvaceous Veg Body

Olivia Wilde “Flaunt” Photos Flaunt Her Curvaceous Veg Body

Written by Vegetarian Star on December 3rd, 2010 in Actresses, Food & Drink.

Olivia Wilde "Flaunt"

Olivia Wilde "Flaunt"

While promoting the new film Tron: Legacy, actress Olivia Wilde posed for a photo shoot for Flaunt Magazine.

The photographer of the shoot was curious as the why Wilde, a vegan, wasn’t all skin and bones.

Wilde’s reply was, “Umm, because I’m married to an Italian and every time I ask him to cook dinner, you can be a hundred-percent sure it’s going to be pasta. Anyway, there are a lot of fat vegetarians out there.”

Wilde doesn’t exactly belong to the pleasantly plump vegetarian club, but yes, the cleavage peeking from the orange blazer proves we don’t munch on carrots and celery all day long.

More details at Flaunt.

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