Quantcast Vegetarian Star“It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia” Animal Hater Lands In Deep Woods Trouble

Glenn Howerton, Danny DaVitoa, Kaitlin Olson and Rob McElhenney

Could it have been a good karma payback when an animal-hater who plans to sabotage an AR event is thwarted when he ends up in the woods overnight?

On a recent episode of “It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia,” Frank Reynolds, played by Danny Devito, is scheduled to speak at an animal rights event. Did we mention he hates animals, which is illustrated in the quote, “Animals should be food, rugs and trophies. Why do you think I’m wearing a leather suit?”

Reynolds plans to use the opportunity at the podium to say horrible things about activism, but, unfortunately for him, a car crash leaves him, Dee and Mac stuck in the middle of nowhere overnight with no cell phone reception.

Charlie and Dennis (Charlie Day and Glenn Howerton) actually make it to Atlantic City, Charlie getting lucky by taking home $15,000 from roulette.

Even better, Charlie tells the animal event organizers that he’s Frank, gives a beautiful speech on activism and throws $5,000 to the compassionate crowd who applauds him for his, ahem, extensive work with animal rights.

Photo: PR Photos

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