Quantcast Vegetarian StarLily Tomlin To Speak At “Elephants And Man: A Litany Of Tragedy”

Lilly Tomlin

Lily Tomlin will be a guest speaker at the screening of the film, “Elephants and Man: A Litany of Tragedy” at the Sunset Gower Studios in Hollywood on January 20, 2011, as part of the “Kat Kramer’s Films That Change the World” series.

The film, produced by Melya Kaplan and directed by Jacek Kropinski, chronicles the history of elephants in captivity for entertainment and film purposes and offers solutions to combating the problem today, when animal welfare activists are still fighting for causes such as “Billy The Elephant,” a large creature held at the Los Angeles Zoo that many want released to a sanctuary.

Tomlin herself is a seasoned activist, but she’s hoping the film will awaken others to the plight of animals kept for human entertainment purposes.

“Hopefully, this film will introduce and educate people to the barbaric and inhumane practice of keeping elephants captive in zoos,” Tomlin said, according to Broadway World. “Once most humans learn the truth about the cruelty and suffering we are causing these creatures, I believe they will find exhibiting them in zoos as morally unacceptable as I and many, many others do.”

Other high profile activists are expected to attend the screening, such as actress Tippi Hedren, founder of the Shambala Preserve, a sanctuary for big cats.

Photo: PR Photos

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