Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Boy George Chickpea Corruption

Boy George

Boy George knows a little bit about corruption.

While serving a few months in prison for assault and false imprisonment of a male escort, George gave back to the world in more ways than one. In several interviews, he’s discussed how he got in the kitchen and made vegetarian meals for fellow inmates.

George may have very well served this Chickpea Corruption, taken from “The Heartland Celebrity Cookbook” by Sandra Owsley (Heartland Publishing 1991).

Requiring only one can of chickpeas, this recipe makes use of Indian spices Garam Masala and Cumin, along with onion, garlic and fresh tomatoes.

The chickpea itself is not corrupt, but one must wonder who it’s been hiding from, given the fact it has so many aliases.

Call it garbanzo bean, Indian pea, ceci bean or Bengal gram, this member of the legume family is high in protein and an invaluable addition to a vegan or vegetarian’s diet.

View and download the recipe for Boy George Chickpea Corruption.

Photo: PR Photos

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