Quantcast Vegetarian StarChad Ochocinco Does PETA Anti-Fur Ad With One Ball (Video)

Chad Ochocinco Does PETA Anti-Fur Ad With One Ball (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on November 29th, 2010 in Athletes-Games-Sports, Fur.

Chad Ochocinco

Chad Ochocinco

Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochocinco tackled the serious subject of fur in this latest ad for PETA, one of the animal right’s organization’s “Ink Not Mink,” PSAs.

Like many people in the dark about the use of animals for clothing or food, Ochocinco painfully learned fur coats really are made from something that once breathed life. “To tell you the truth, when I was younger, I thought it was really all fake,” Ochocinco says in an interview, which can be viewed below.

Right along with fur, the leather industry makes a huge chunk of the portion of animals used for fashion.

How refreshing it is to know that Wilson, one of the makers of footballs, make synthetic leather footballs for the compassionate NFL fan.

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