Quantcast Vegetarian StarHumane Society’s Dr. Michael Greger’s Voice Says Take Your B12

Dr. Michael Greger

Dr. Michael Greger

Dr. Michael Greger is the director of Public Health and Animal Agriculture for the Humane Society of the United States. He publishes DVDs in quiz show formats that give loads of information on the latest findings in diet, health and nutrition.

These may be purchased and 100% of the proceeds benefit the HSUS. In case you didn’t already know it, vegetarian and especially vegans need to remember to take B12 supplements if you’re not eating foods that are rich in the vitamin, which are usually meat and dairy.

That’s right. You heard it. That wasn’t a hallucination, but you might have some if you don’t take that B12.

From Supervegan:

You’re always reminding vegans to take their vitamin B12. Now it turns out that a B12 deficiency can lead to schizophrenia. Does it make you nuts when you find out we’re not taking our supplements? Ba-dum-bum!

Dr. G: No, B12 deficiency can give you paranoid psychoses, which can be misdiagnosed as schizophrenia (though thankfully it may be reversible). But either way, take your damn B12.

There are plenty of B12 supplements that are not animal-derived like Vitamin Code, Now Foods, VegLife and DEVA.

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