Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Glee” Wastes Too Many Umbrellas For “The Substitute” (Video)

Glee may have sustainable eating, veg-friendly actresses like Lea Michele and Jenna Ushkowitz in the cast, but the show could do a little better when it comes to greening the set. At least a recent episode featuring Gwyneth Paltrow as the substitute glee club leader in “The Substitute” could have.

In a behind the scenes clip, Zach Woodlee, co-producer/choreographer of the show estimates they went through 300 umbrellas or so to film a scene putting a modern twist on “Singing In The Rain” by adding some Rihanna lyrics to it. This was because the umbrellas kept breaking during different takes.

For the rest of the season, the cast is ordered to only buy eco-friendly umbrellas, made from things like recycled aluminum and steel, bamboo handles and 100% PET bottles like the Tot eco’Brella.

Totes Ecobrella

Totes Ecobrella

Then, maybe we’ll stand under their umbrellas, ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh.

More eco-friendly brellas at Treehugger. Watch the entire scene of Glee’s “Singing In The Rain” with their many umbrellas below.

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