Quantcast Vegetarian StarPETA To G20 Officials–Use Modern Water Test In Lieu Of Goldfish


PETA blasted the G20 Summit in Seoul, Korea for using live goldfish to test the purity of the water in the bathrooms.

Officials of the event to discuss the global financial system and world economy used the fish purity test as one of several security measures implemented for the conference which ended on November 12th.

Several studies have shown fish can feel pain like mammals. University of Edinburgh and University of Glasgow researchers, for example, found fish pain receptors were very similar to mammals. These and other facts were included in PETA’s letter to G20, along with the suggestion to use more sophisticated methods to test the water.

“Subjecting goldfish to contaminated water would serve little purpose besides causing them to suffer horribly,” wrote Tracy Reiman, Executive Vice President of PETA.

“After all, the fish cannot tell you specifically what might be wrong with the water. However, sophisticated non-animal analytical methods—including high-performance liquid chromatography, solid phase extraction, biometric extraction, gas chromatography combined with mass spectroscopy, or gas chromatography followed by detection by a flame ionization detector—can more reliably detect and isolate the cause of any potential water problems.”

Tests using animals do not always give reliable results in humans. If fish swam out okay, but dozens of humans came down with serious GI problems, one would hope G20 officials had more modern methods of treating the ailment besides sucking leeches.

Photo: Tiefflieger/Creative Commons

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