Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Early Show” Weatherman Likes Vegan Chocolates He Samples (Video)

Weatherman Dave Price from “The Early Show” got early sweet tooth satisfaction after he sampled an array of chocolate on the show.

Wanting to share the goodness with his family, Price began putting some in his pockets. When he sampled the vegan chocolates, he decided the fam needed to try some of those as well, agreeing with Harry Smith that it melts best in your mouth and “not in your pocket.”

The wonderful thing about chocolate is that the product itself is naturally vegan. Pick a good company that starts with the fair-traded dark deliciousness, sweetens with natural sugar and adds either vegan milk or none at all and you’ve got yourself a good deal.

Plamil Chocolate is a good vegan candidate for you and the family, as it’s organic, vegan and fair-traded. Many of the Endangered Species Dark Chocolates are vegan, organic, gluten-free and ethically traded, with 10% of the profits supporting organizations that help species, humans and both of their habitats.

View more vegan chocolate brands.

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