Quantcast Vegetarian StarRobin Quivers On “The Rachael Ray Show”–Vegan Diet Helped Prepare For Marathon

Sunday is the big day for Robin Quivers.

She’ll be running her very first marathon, the New York City Marathon, to benefit her foundation and two charities that aim to improve nutrition among families.

Quivers was a guest on The Rachael Ray Show yesterday, where viewers got a behind the scenes view of her training regime, including the vegan diet that fuels her.

“If I wasn’t on this diet I don’t know that I could run the marathon,” Quivers says in the clip, available of The Rachael Ray Show website.

Quivers lost over 80 pounds after she switched to a vegan diet.

Besides her new body, extreme physical fitness is also something she’s now getting accustomed to.

“I could hardly walk two blocks a couple of years ago,” Howard Stern‘s co-host says, adding that she is not a natural runner, but wanted to prove what people could do “if they think they’re losing a step.”

Photo: PR Photos


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