Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Jackass 3D” Trailer And How Animal Stunts Were Monitored (Video)

Jackass 3D

Jackass 3D

Steve-O, one of the stars of Jackass 3D, is a vegan, but that doesn’t stop him from participating in some wild, gross and bizarre stunts involving animals in his films, Jackass 3D included.

The American Humane Association monitored scenes involving animals to ensure no creatures (at least 4-legged) were hurt, which included everything from dangerous bull charging to a pig eating an apple from a man’s rear end. The AHA website lists how every scene was monitored for Jackass 3D. Here are a few interesting points.

  • Bees–Although hundreds were shown, only a handful were used and the rest were computer generated.
  • Snakes–Real snakes were filmed in bins that were “checked for hazards beforehand,” to give shots of the animals slithering around for various scenes, but when it came time for the crew member to fall into the pit, he landed on rubber serpents.

Unfortunately, all usually never ends well when animals are used in films, so it would interesting to learn where the animals ended up after filming was over. Are they off to be “stars” in another movie? Will they retire in sanctuaries or be destined for slaughter?

The trailer for Jackass 3D below.

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