Quantcast Vegetarian StarMark Bittman Winces At Minces, Gets Pleasure From Plants

Mark Bittman Winces At Minces, Gets Pleasure From Plants

Written by Vegetarian Star on October 12th, 2010 in Authors, Flexitarian, Food & Drink.

Mark Bittman

Mark Bittman‘s advice on eating vegan until 6 PM isn’t the only thing a foodie should take with them in the kitchen. In an interview with LifeHacker, Bittman says when it comes to mincing, we should screw it, but definitely do it when comes to sharpening knives and choosing plants over processed foods.

Lifehacker: What are some things you’ve seen home cooks do that are really unnecessary? What kinds of pain do we put on ourselves that’s unnecessary?

Mark Bittman: (Laughs) Well, for one thing, mincing. Chopped is often better, I find, than minced. I think mincing became in vogue when French cooking became popular, (because) the French thought ingredients like garlic should just disappear.

Lifehacker: One common complaint about all the talk of eating organic, eating locally sourced food, is that it can seem prohibitively expensive, at least as far as the organic section, the co-op prices are concerned.

“While I do support the movement toward organic and local food, I think it’s more important to advocate moving toward plants over processed foods. I can understand that people might be put off by the costs of organic food, and might not want to shift their whole diet toward it, but the important thing is getting more people eating less meat, especially bad meat, and more plants. It’s how I try to eat.”

More at Lifehacker.

Photo: PR Photos


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