Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–Mark Bittman On Food Labeling Importance

“We have to be able to know what we’re buying when we go out to shop for food. The way things are now, (food producers) can say if something is made without antibiotics or genetic modification, but they’re not required to state if they do use those things. I just think we have to concentrate on growing real food in the parts of the country that have climates that support it. If we can grow more real food, and buy and cook more real food, we’re all in better shape.”

–Author Mark Bittman, a flexitarian who follows a “vegan until six” approach to eating, on the recent FDA ruling that genetically modified salmon does not have to be labeled. Unfortunately, this trend could have serious consequences as some studies have already linked GM foods to abnormalities in mammals, such as genetically modified soy diets leading to abnormal ovary and uterus changes in mice.

Photo: PR Photos

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