Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Carrie Underwood: A Biography” Author Interested In Singer’s Animal Rights Side

"Carrie Underwood: A Biography"

"Carrie Underwood: A Biography"

A book detailing Carrie Underwood‘s rise to fame, Carrie Underwood: A Biography, has been published by Greenwood Publishing.

The author of the biography, Vernell Hackett, is of course impressed with Carrie’s country music stardom, but what touched her the most was her animal activism, especially given the fact she too is interested in helping animals.

“Because I’m an animal-rights kind of person, I love the fact that she’s so into helping animals,” Hackett said. “She’s a vegetarian. I love to find out all the things she did about animals and animal rights. That was very cool about her.”

Greenwood Publishing Company specializes in academic and reference books and Hackett said this is a book that is suitable for school libraries so students can look at books with celebrities they admire. Vegetarian Carrie’s animal contributions include donating money to both the Humane Society of the United States and a New York Animal Shelter. If this gets the kids interested in eating less meat or volunteering at the local animal shelter, then let’s put it on every summer reading list.

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