Quantcast Vegetarian StarDaniel Negreanu Finds Luck At Vitao Organic In London

Daniel Negreanu just finished playing at the World Series of Poker In Europe and came away with a 5th place win and some cash to buy a few vegan dinners.

Last month, Negreanu spoke with Poker Player and explained that London was one of the greatest places to eat because of a favorite vegetarian restaurant.

“You know, London has been lucky for me – I love the city. I’m a vegan and it’s the best city in the world for me to eat. There’s this place called Vitao Organic where there’s no gluten, no dairy, no sugar – it’s beautiful. I enjoy London. I don’t do a lot when I’m there, though. I go there to work, not get wasted.”

If there was a lucky dish on the Vitao Organic menu, it’d probably be the Vegan Shiitake Stroganof or the Buckwheat Pizza with Seed Cheese topped off with the Cheeseless Redberry Cheesecake for dessert. With a buffet of at least 70% organic ingredients in dishes like scrambled tofu and Lentil Dahl, you’re bound to carry a good hand throughout the night.

As one famous poker quote says, “If, after the first twenty minutes, you don’t know who the sucker at the table is, it’s the guy eating the chicken fingers.”

Or something like that.

Photo: PR Photos

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