Quantcast Vegetarian StarPeter Max, Wife Mary Host Event To End Chickens In Kaporos Rituals

On Thursday, September 30th, 2010, Peter Max and wife Mary will host an event for the United Poultry Concerns and the Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos at the Peter Max Studio located at 37 West 65th Street, 7th Floor Between Columbus & Central Park West in New York City from 6:30-9:00 PM.

The Kaporos ritual precedes Yom Kippur and involves ritually slaughtering chickens in orthodox Jewish Communities. Dr. Allen Kornberg from Farm Sanctuary has suggested vegetarians and vegans substitute this practice for a gesture of kindness and charity during the Holiday, such as donating to a worthwhile cause or putting a material offering in a bag and sacrificing it as they would a live chicken. Ultra Orthodox Jews Perform Kaparot Ceremony

Vegan food from gourmet vegan restaurants in the city will be served. Karen Davis, PhD, President of United Poultry Concerns & Founder of the Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos, will give a presentation on the alliance. Rina Deych, Brooklyn resident, animal activist and a Founding Member of the Alliance to End Chickens as Kaporos, will present a video and discuss filming a well known Kaporos ritual site in Brooklyn, NY. Jewish folk songs like Donna, Donna and Mazel will be adapted to illustrate the plight of chickens and performed by Carol Moon, NYC animal activist and musician, and singer Joy Askew.

Photo: PR Photos


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