Quantcast Vegetarian StarPatricia De Leon On Bullfighting Plus El Toro De La Vega Festival (Video)

Former Miss Panama Patricia De Leon conducted a Q & A session with PETA on the atrocities of killing bulls in Spain for tradition. The Catalonia region has already outlawed bullfighting, but in other parts of the country, there is still more work to be done.

“We have so many beautiful traditions in our culture. Beautiful stuff. Why identify our culture by killing?” De Leon asks.

While most people are familiar with bullfighting, some may not have heard of the equally brutal “El Toro de la Vega,” footage of which can be viewed below.

During the annual “Fiestas Mayores” that takes place in Tordesillas, Spain during September, a bull is stabbed with spears and darts while being chased throughout the streets of the city by men on horseback and foot.

In the past, the man who’s stab successfully kills the bull earns the right to cut off his testicles, placing them at the end of his lance. This practice has been forbidden for the last few years, switching the “honorable” ritual to awarding the killer with a gold badge and a lance made of forged iron.

On online petition exists that sends signatures to the mayor of the city, asking for this practice to be outlawed.

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