Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Office” Jenna Fischer Hosts Kitten Rescue Furball Event

The Office‘s Jenna Fischer hosted the 3rd annual Furball at the Skirball this weekend in Los Angeles. The event benefited Kitten Rescue, a Los Angeles based organization that aids in kitten rescue and adoption.

A vegetarian dinner was served to guests who also enjoyed live entertainment, a silent auction and a film about Kitten Rescue. This was Fischer’s 2nd time hosting the event, but she’s no stranger to cat rescue, having volunteered for the organization in the past.

“I started working with them [Kitten Rescue] in 2001,” Fischer said. “I worked with them for two or three years as a foster parent. You open up your home for a cat or kitten that’s been rescued from a shelter or abandoned, and you rehabilitate them and treat them like your own pet for a short period of time, and then the organization helps you find that cat a permanent home.”

Fischer still gets the opportunity to play hero occasionally. She rescued two cats that were hiding around her wardrobe trailer last year.

Kitten Rescue cares for and find homes for approximately 1,000 kittens and cats each year and all animals receive standard care of spaying/neutering and microchipping.

In 2007, Kitten Rescue established a HOPE fund. Named after a feral kitten found injured on the streets, the HOPE fund sets aside money to rehabilitate severely injured or sick cats.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to ““The Office” Jenna Fischer Hosts Kitten Rescue Furball Event”

  1. Katherine Says:

    I’ve fostered for them 🙂