Quantcast Vegetarian StarAnthony Bourdain Says Meat Not Necessary, India Is Perfect Example

Anthony Bourdain Says Meat Not Necessary, India Is Perfect Example

Written by Vegetarian Star on September 14th, 2010 in Chefs, Food & Drink.

Why do some restaurants feel the need to put beef or chicken stock in a vegetable soup?

Vegetable oil is healthier than animal fat, so why is lard still being used in dishes?

Anthony Bourdain is not a vegetarian’s best friend (during a recent interview, he suggests we have a social obligation to eat the turkey grandma cooks on Thanksgiving), but he does agree that the ubiquitous presence of meat is unhealthy and unnecessary.

From Now Toronto:

“I don’t think that people should be compelled to put pork into everything and I agree that it’s a good idea to have vegetarian alternatives as part of a healthy and interesting diet. I’d be perfectly happy to live in India for a week and eat nothing but vegetarian food because they actually do it well.”

For those that can’t live in India for a week, Tasty Bite ready meals are one way to provide the authentic flavors of India with a touch of the microwave button. From Channa Masala to Vegetable Korma, Tasty Bite meals provide vegetarian, refrigerator-free and freezer-free ways to sample the country’s goodness. Check out selections of Bombay Potatoes, Bengal Lentils, Punjab Eggplant and more at World Pantry.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Anthony Bourdain Says Meat Not Necessary, India Is Perfect Example”

  1. Anna Says:

    Are you following his Medium Raw Challenge? There lots of awesome stories, including this doughnuts story about lust sprinkled with sugar. Vote for it at the bottom of the page!