Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Jamie Oliver’s Pumpkin Rice Laksa Soup

Jamie Oliver's Pumpkin Rice Laksa Soup. Credit: Cookstr.com

Jamie Oliver's Pumpkin Rice Laksa Soup. Credit: Cookstr.com

In some parts of the world September means back to school, leaves changing colors and pumpkins popping up everywhere!

If carving creepy faces isn’t your thing, there are dozens of delicious ways to use a pumpkin this season, like in the Pumpkin Rice Laksa Soup by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver.

Cookstr.com is a website launched in 2008 that publishes recipes from top cookbook authors online.

Oliver is one of several chefs with dozens of recipes listed on Cookstr and his pumpkin soup makes a great dish to start off the cooler season with flavorful combinations of coconut milk, cumin, five-spice, lemongrass and chile, to name a few ingredients. If you’ve used all your pumpkins in the carving contest, don’t fret, butternut squash, onion squash or acorn squash can also be used.

Writes Oliver, “Laksa is a kind of brothy noodle stew, very often made with chicken and coconut milk. When I was coming up with the idea for this soup, I was thinking of the Anglo-Indian mulligatawny soup, which is made from rice, curry sauce and minced meat. If you’re feeling a little bit theatrical, like I was, feel free to take the lid off the pumpkin, scoop out the flesh, and serve the soup in the pumpkin shell.”

As you may have guessed, vegetable broth is used instead of chicken broth and the minced meat never made it to the patch.

Grab the recipe at Cookstr.com

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