Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Time” Cites Study–Americans Eat Less Fruit Than Before, Not Enough Veggies

USA flag superimposed on map

Most Americans aren’t getting enough servings of fruits and vegetables, according to an article in Time which cites a study done by the Centers for Disease Control. And fruit consumption is lower than before.

In 2009, the CDC found that 1/3 of U.S. adults had 2 or more servings of fruit a day, which is down from 34% in 2000. Twenty-six percent of adults ate at least 3 servings of vegetables a day, which is the same as 2000.

Among the states that had the highest produce consumption, California took the lead for eating the most fruit and Tennessee for the most vegetables. Oklahoma came in last for eating the least amount of fruit and South Dakota residents ate the least amount of vegetables.

While CDC officials are disappointed with the results, Time emphasizes that the study was done before the wave of promoting home and community gardens. A new study is planned for 2011 to assess consumption again.

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