Quantcast Vegetarian StarCorinne Bailey Rae Puts Her Vegetarian Chili On

Corinne Bailey Rae revealed to Afro she has a thing for ethical clothing and food. The “Put Your Records On” singer likes Stella McCartney fashion and loves making vegetarian chili at home.

“I like to cook stews and things, dishes where the heat does all the work. So, it’s just like chopping and flavoring. Veggie chili would be my favorite thing to cook because it’s really great but not much work.”

How much work goes into chili really depends on what you put in it. The self-proclaimed Best Vegetarian Chili In The World recipe has a 15 minute prep time and incorporates several types of beans, corn and other veggies and vegetarian burger crumbles.

For even less work, buy an already made veggie chili by a company known for producing meatless delights like Amy’s Kitchen canned vegetarian chili or Lightlife’s Smart Chili in a microwaveable bag.

Photo: PR Photos

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