Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Mouthful–David Archuleta’s Vegan Beet Muffin Lovin’ In Nashville

“Had a really good breakfast this morning. And a vegan beet muffin. Lots of interesting food here in Nashville lol.”

David Archuleta, Tweeting the latest good grub from Nashville, TN. Sure would love to know where he got the beet pastries, but whether you live in Nashville or not, you can try beet muffins in your own kitchen with this simple recipe. For that extra Idol wow factor, jazz things up a bit with apples and cranberries in the mix.

Photo: PR Photos

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One Response to “Meatless Mouthful–David Archuleta’s Vegan Beet Muffin Lovin’ In Nashville”

  1. Jenny Says:

    He got it from Fido, a coffee shop. They also distribute the muffins and select cookies to their sister stores, Bongo Java and Bongo Java East.