Quantcast Vegetarian StarMeatless Monday Recipe–Amanda Cohen’s Grapefruit Salad

Iron Chef America-Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy. Credit: Lunch Box Bunch

Iron Chef America-Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy. Credit: Healthy Happy Life

In case you haven’t heard, New York vegetarian restaurant owner Amanda Cohen did broccoli well on an episode of Iron Chef America that aired this weekend. The secret ingredient could be found paired with a crispy, orange tofu, which one judge said tasted, “nothing at all like the tofu I made when I was a teenager, when I was a strict vegetarian.”

Ironically, another judge liked the tofu and everything else but the secret ingredient. “I’m not so found of the broccoli.”

Sigh…You can’t please everyone.

In the end, Morimoto squeezed past Cohen by a score of 54-45, beating her in all categories of taste, plating and originality. Cohen wrote on her blog this morning, “I wanted to take this victory for the vegetarian community… and I wanted to take it because Mark Dacascos said if I won I could cut off Morimoto’s ponytail. I wanted to cut that ponytail off so badly.”

She didn’t come home with the ponytail, but she still made us proud. In honor of Cohen’s appearance on Iron Chef, the Meatless Monday recipe is a fresh fruit salad, where the secret ingredient is not broccoli, but grapefruit with avocado and almonds tossed in.

Grab the recipe for Amanda Cohen’s Grapefruit Salad at New York Times. And don’t forget to check out the videos of Cohen on Iron Chef at Eater.

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One Response to “Meatless Monday Recipe–Amanda Cohen’s Grapefruit Salad”

  1. kathy Says:

    Thanks for the photo credit, but it’s not Lunch Box Blog. It’s The Lunchbox Bunch and my blog is called Healthy Happy Life.


    and ps, yes Amanda did am amazing job. She is a very talented Chef. My interview w/ her on my blog.