Quantcast Vegetarian StarSocial Distortion Performing At Animal Acres Benefit

The musical groups Social Distortion and JP, Chrissie & the Fairground Boys will be performing at the 2010 Animal Acres Gala on September 11th at the Animal Acres Sanctuary and Compassionate Living Center in Acton, CA.

The event beings at 5:00 PM with a “Cowtail Party,” where attendees can mingle with the “guests of honor”–cows, chickens, pigs and other rescued farmed animals.

Dinner will be served in the sanctuary courtyard and will feature items like Vegan Ham & Cheez Rolls, Herbed seitan cutlets over organic spring mix with roasted pine nuts and vegan ice cream catered by One World Vegetarian Cuisine.

Individuals and corporations that have made contributions to animal welfare will be honored. Up for recognition this year include Jain Community of Southern California and comedian Carol Leifer.

Members of the Honorary Committee and hosts for the 2010 gala include Jorja Fox, Daryl Hannah, Tipi Hedren, Constance Marie, John Salley, Russell Simmons and Weird Al Yankovic.

For more information on the event and to purchase tickets, visit Animal Acres.

Photo: PR Photos

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