Quantcast Vegetarian StarKristen Bell Shape Magazine–Organic Garden, Eco-Friendly FEED Bags

Kristen Bell "Shape" Magazine

Kristen Bell "Shape" Magazine

Kristen Bell is on the cover of the September 2010 issue of Shape.

The magazine interviewed the vegetarian actress who gave her 30 rules to live by that include growing her own organic herbs and vegetables, using eco-friendly handbags and avoiding dairy with the occasional “cheat.”

Tip 24 is to “splurge wisely,” and for Bell, that means spending her money on sustainable fashion for a good cause.

“I don’t mind paying a bit more for things made with sustainable materials,” Bell said. “I love FEED bags by Ellen Gustafson and Lauren Bush [from $60; feedprojects.com]. They’re eco-friendly, and most of the proceeds go to feeding and educating children around the world.”

Tip #3 is to plant something and one of Bell’s birthday presents to herself was to start an organic garden.

“Maybe it’s my biological clock, but I wanted to be part of the nurturing process,” she said. “We all get to a point where we feel maternal, whether we have a kid or not!”

Although she tries to avoid dairy, Bell says every once in awhile she cheats with the occasional cheesecake.

“I’ve learned I don’t really feel well after I eat it,” she said. “But I also know that devouring a whole cheesecake with my girlfriends can feel incredible! I’m always going to be the kind of person who treats myself.”

With a dairy-free, vegan cheesecake, Bell could indulge and feel good afterwards.

Visit Shape for more.

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