Quantcast Vegetarian Star“Dorm Room Diet” Giveaway Tip–How To Be A Locavore

"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

Today’s tip in the Dorm Room Diet book giveaway is about reducing your impact on the planet by purchasing locally grown food. Fresher food is less subject to factors involved in traveling longer distances like light and temperature that may impact nutrient levels once it finally reaches your plate.

The easiest way to be a locavore is to buy food from the grocery store that was grown and traveled <100 miles to the shelves. But The Dorm Room Diet gives more tips for getting food closer to the source:

  • Visit the local farmer’s market
  • Set up home or dorm delivery of produce from a local farm
  • Join a co-op
  • Go to a local farm and help plant and harvest greens yourself

To enter to win The Dorm Room Diet, leave a comment on this post giving your tip for staying healthy. Full contest rules can be found here.

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6 Responses to ““Dorm Room Diet” Giveaway Tip–How To Be A Locavore”

  1. Katherine Says:

    Instead of eating cake or ice cream for dessert, I choose healthier options like yogurt and fruit. Having healthy desserts make me feel better about my food choices and keep my stomach from overeating.

  2. Wendy Says:

    If you have a window/porch you can grow strawberries, tomatoes and herbs in pots. Also, community gardens, and some local parks will let you rent a spot for your own garden.
    CSA (Community supported agriculture) is also a GREAT program!
    Farmer’s markets are fun, and a great way to meet and volunteer (and get free veggies!!).

  3. m Says:

    I display fruit so I will always have something healthy availble

  4. Ally Says:

    I use a pedometer to count my steps and how many calories I’ve burned… and I watch Dr. Oz to learn about how I can be healthier 🙂 Pentagon.gov also has a great pilates workout called “Fit for Duty” and it really gets you going!

  5. Shelby Says:

    I make going to the Farmer’s market a group outing! I invite friends to go with me Saturday morning to chat and have fun.

  6. Nyia Says:

    I’m embarking on starting a tomato garden. My tip is to eat oatmeal instead of cereal. Also always have fruit available. Eat it before bed if you get hungry.