Quantcast Vegetarian StarFree Copy of “Dorm Room Diet”–Farm To School Programs Green The Cafeteria

"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

"The Dorm Room Diet" Daphne Oz

Today’s tip for becoming healthier in our giveaway of  Daphne Oz‘s “Dorm Room Diet” book involves improving the quality of food at your college cafeteria.

When the factory farmed McBurger restaurants and imported produce salad bars outnumber whole wheat pasta and local veggies in the cafe court, don’t fret. Daphne says concerned students can help by encouraging their schools to start a Farm To School Program. These programs get schools to invest a portion of their cafeteria supplies from local producers. The result is a better grade for food, people and the environment as less fuel is used to transport food, local farmers get more business and fresher selections become available.

To enter to win a copy of The Dorm Room Diet, simply leave a comment on this post giving us your tip for staying healthy.

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7 Responses to “Free Copy of “Dorm Room Diet”–Farm To School Programs Green The Cafeteria”

  1. Ashley Brennan Says:

    Drink lots and lots of water! 🙂

  2. Nyia Says:

    Remember losing weight is about a calorie deficit. Don’t worry too much about the number on the scale all the time or you’ll just get yourself down. Focus on eating the right foods, try to eliminate soda & fast food & always find ways to burn calories like walking your dog. Also steer clear of foods with high fructose corn syrup. Have a wonderful, healthy day!

  3. Mimi Y. Says:

    I always take a day off to myself and go to a movie or something. You can bring friends along to that sort of thing but I think it’s healthy to do something alone once a week or once a month if you can put aside family responsibilities. 🙂

  4. Sheri Says:

    Tofu is an awesome source of calcium.

  5. Chris h. Says:

    I think doing something active every day is key. Your calorie needs and food preferences may differ from others, but everyone needs activity and movement to be healthy!

  6. Katherine Says:

    Break your food into portions. Put them separately in containers and ziploc bags, so when you’re hungry, you can simply take one! This is a great way to avoid overeating and to stay in control of your health.

  7. Wendy Says:

    I’ve kicked soda out of my diet completely. Now i CRAVE water. Also, when I’ve recently eaten and feel hungry an hour later, I try to eat something like steamed veggies or wilted spinach, becuase a lot of times that “hunger” we feel is not about lack of calories, it’s a lack of nutrients we may have missed and your body is trying to tell you.
    Listening to my body and what I need is number 1.