Quantcast Vegetarian StarMoby Evols With Sustainable Burritos At Wanderlust Yoga Retreat


Moby made an appearance at the Wanderlust Festival, a yoga retreat and rock concert held at Lake Tahoe’s Squaw Valley. The rocker discussed his life changing cat Tucker, how consumers should vote with their forks and dollars to end this subsidizing of burger mess and how he wouldn’t even buy free-range eggs if he personally met all the chickens.

Attendees at the event were treated to tea and Evol Burritos, a company that, while not completely vegetarian, offers several vegetarian options and a green story behind its business.

The Veggie Fajita, Egg and Green Chile, Tofu and Spinach Saute, Egg and Potato and Beans Rice and Cheese burritos are vegetarian, some of which are vegan (Tofu Spinach Saute and Veggie Fajita) with the ingredients for each wrap listed here.

All compostable waste gets packaged and sent to the non-profit Eco-Cycle, which creates recycling opportunities for communities.

The company is also an investor of wind energy for the Midwest and the Western parts of the United States.  Evol purchases one Wind-e Renewable Energy credit for every kilowatt hour of electricity. This helps to fund the installation of wind turbines in these parts of the country.

The Evol burritos can be found at natural foods stores in the freezer section.

Photo: PR Photos


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