Quantcast Vegetarian StarGeorges Laraque Is Green Party’s Deputy Leader

Georges Laraque

Former NHL player Georges Laraque has been named the Deputy Leader of the Green Party in Canada. As a vegan and animal rights activist, Laraque couldn’t have picked a more appropriate organization to align himself with.

The Green Party’s Vision, a lengthy document updated in January of 2010, lists the party’s goals for a sustainable Canada that includes changes made to food, animal, transportation and employee practices. The party would like to give more support to organic farming, for example, by providing assistance for those switching to the process, which can take several years before becoming certified. It would also like to end federal assistance to the seal hunt while supporting an end to the seal hunt entirely.

Here are a few other key points from Green Vision:

  • Better animal welfare legislation that will eventually phase out intensive factory farming
  • Ban animal testing to assess safety of cosmetic and household products
  • Reduce the use of fossil fuels by making them more expensive to use and burn
  • Develop green jobs and improve wages and workers’ rights
  • Promote food security by promoting rooftop gardens and other small gardens in urban spaces and supporting locally grown food
  • Increase monitoring of GE crops, including a ban on new experiments on planting and cultivating GE crops
  • Protect fish habitat and prevent overfishing
  • Offer a plan to reduce emissions by 20% and 80% in 10 and 30 years
  • Encourage public transportation, walking and biking: All bicycle gear would be made tax-deductible and GST (a goods and service tax) free.

Photo: Resolute/Creative Commons

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