Quantcast Vegetarian Star“The Dry Land” Assistant Director Turns Vegetarian After Film’s Cow Slaughter (Video)

Ryan Piers Williams

Will a movie about a solider returning home from war and working in a slaughterhouse turn everyone at the box office veggie? If they’re anything like the assistant director to Ryan Piers Williams‘ film The Dry Land, it might.

The assistant director gave up eating meat after filming a live slaughter of a cow during the movie, according to Contact Music.

Williams told WENN, “The cow was slaughtered and we shot it documentary style. We went to this slaughter house before we started shooting and that cow was going to be slaughtered on that day and we documented it. It was very brutal to watch and to witness.”

Williams himself indicates he’s too “Texan” to give up meat. Ironically, the now vegetarian assistant director hails from where everything’s bigger too, including the cholesterol and carbon footprint.

“I’m from Texas and I’ve been eating meat all my life so I have no intention of stopping eating meat but I do respect animals and the way that they are slaughtered,” Williams added. “My assistant director is from Texas and stopped eating meat after visiting the slaughter house and is still a vegetarian to this day.”

Yes, The Dry Land loses points for filming the slaughter of a cow to begin with. But given the reaction many have had after viewing the film, it may save 1000s of cows in the future.

“People have come up to me after seeing the film and told me they cut out meat from their diet,” said Williams.

The trailer for The Dry Land can be viewed below.

Photo: PR Photos

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