Quantcast Vegetarian StarElle MacPherson So Wrong About Meat And Female Hormones

Elle Macpherson

Elle Macpherson is making brilliant revelations in the media regarding animal products again.

Just now getting over the notoriety she gained from saying grounded up endangered rhino horn powder works wonders, the model is now touting the benefits of meat on her hormones.

“Usually I eat like a horse! I’ve been through phases where I’ve been vegan and vegetarian but as I get older I realize that not having animal protein is perhaps not the best way to manage healthy hormones.”

Somebody must be pulling one of her very long legs, because the most recent news about meat and hormones suggests it’s doing nothing for them, especially in teenage girls.

A University of Bristol study published in Public Health Nutrition found girls who ate a diet heavy in meat were more likely to start puberty earlier, which can put them at risk for cancers like ovarian and breast, as well as heart disease.

Girls now develop breasts 1-2 years earlier than they did in the 1960s.  Since then, the world’s meat supply has increased from 71 million tons in 1961 to 284 million tons in 2007. Per capita consumption has doubled over this period as well. Coincidence? Definitely worth investigating further.

Puberty begins when a pathway is activated that sends signals the adrenal gland–which secretes all those girlie hormones responsible for initiating the changes that bring on breasts, the ability to make babies and a sudden interest in the dreaded Jonas Brothers.

If only eating less meat could delay both puberty and the band’s next album.

Photo: PR Photos


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One Response to “Elle MacPherson So Wrong About Meat And Female Hormones”

  1. HTwoWhoa Says:

    Why diss the Jonas Brothers?