Quantcast Vegetarian StarSpike Mendelsohn “We, The Pizza” Remembers Little Vegetarian People

Spike Mendelsohn

Former Top Chef contestant Spike Mendelsohn has finally opened his long awaited pizza eatery, We, The Pizza, in Washington, D.C.

We The Pizza is said to feature 7 vegetarian pies, and the Washington Post says the mushroom pizza stands out as a star.

Spike must like making fungus specialities for vegetarians, because his Good Stuff Eatery burger joint offers a “Vegetarians Are People Too” Shroom burger, featuring an “organic portobello mushroom stuffed with Muenster and Cheddar Cheese, flashed fried with panko crumbs, ruby tomatoes, onions, lettuce and pickle with Good Stuff Sauce.” The veggie burger recipe, which you can re-create yourself at home, was featured on Oprah Winfrey’s website as part of a vegetarian cookout menu.

Mendelsohn may think vegetarians count, but make no mistake, he’s got some advice for us “little people,” he gave during an interview with Slashfood.

Slashfood: What do you think of vegetarians?:
Spike: Have a steak every once in awhile…..please.

Photo: PR Photos


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