Quantcast Vegetarian StarBrigitte Bardot Responds To Parasailing Donkey With Letter To Russian Prosecutor

Brigitte Bardot found out about the Russian entrepreneurs who made a donkey parasail over a beach, forcing beach goers that included children to hear the animal screaming in terror. Makes you wonder who was really the ass in that situation.

Pretty easy to guess she’s not too happy about the fact the two will not face animal cruelty or any other charges. That’s why she wrote to Russian prosecutor Yury Chaika, asking the Russian official to reconsider legal action against the donkey’s owner.

“The donkey was strapped to a parachute and for more than half an hour was sailing in the air, screaming from horror and causing shock amongst children and adults on the beach.”

“Finally the poor animal landed, also in a horrific manner, and by then being hardly alive. I want you to act so that not only people responsible for this horrendous case are punished, but so that situation never happens again.”

The female donkey was declared physically stable after being examined, but the AFP reported “The donkey’s mental state remained unclear.”

The businessmen made the donkey parasail over the private Russian beach because they thought it would attract visitors, though we’ve yet to discover flying donkeys listed as a sales point on summer getaway brochures.

Photo: cdrikB06/Creative Commons

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One Response to “Brigitte Bardot Responds To Parasailing Donkey With Letter To Russian Prosecutor”

  1. Heather Says:

    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”

    ~ Mahatma Gandhi