Quantcast Vegetarian StarStella McCartney Glow In The Dark Leather-Free Running Shoes And More

Stella McCartney Glow In The Dark Leather-Free Running Shoes And More

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 22nd, 2010 in Fashion.

Stella McCartney Addidas Glow In The Dark

Stella McCartney Addidas Glow In The Dark

Love running in the dark and want to improve your visibility for safety reasons?

Stella McCartney has designed a set of glow in the dark sportswear items that features running shoes, shorts and more.

“Running is one of our most popular categories and for me to make it have its own point of view is really key,” said McCartney. “I think that we did it this season in a direct way by looking at glow-in-the-dark. When you are running in an urban environment, you need to feel safe, when people can see you coming and stand out, especially in winter when it gets dark earlier. But at the same time we used it on a leopard print, so it’s not so masculine and graphic.”

As would be expected from the vegetarian designer, Stella’s glow in the dark running shoes, priced at around $140, come completely leather-free.

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One Response to “Stella McCartney Glow In The Dark Leather-Free Running Shoes And More”

  1. Laura Bailey Runs Ethical And Fashionable With Stella McCartney Adidas Says:

    […] night runs, we’ve already introduced you to Stella’s glow in the dark selections, including leather-free running […]