Quantcast Vegetarian StarRhona Mitra Of “The Gates” Gets Green With Popeater

Rhona Mitra
Rhona Mitra stars in the new ABC television series The Gates, a crime drama show with a supernatural twist.

It’s going to take more than superpowers to restore the Gulf Coast to its pre-BP disaster state, and the actress recently discussed her thoughts on the oil spill and environmental issues with Popeater.

On Hollywood being viewed as hypocritical for being green (e.g. taking private jets):
I’m very aware of people who want to be seen doing the right thing on the exterior so they can make themselves feel better. I have implemented things in my life that I do behind closed doors that on the outside don’t look like anything. For example I’m a vegan, which is a very touchy area because when people hear you’re vegan they’re like, ‘That’s so righteous.’

On her work with Global Green:
The approach that we’re taking and I’m now getting involved in is to talk with the communities who are I suppose, looking to alternative ways of living which involve clean energy and sustainable living, solar power and wind turbines to relieve them and ourselves of this addiction and co-dependent relationship we have with oil companies and governments.

On her efforts to clean up the spill in the Gulf Coast:
I’ve been working in Louisiana since March of this year and obviously the spill happened and I as the rest of the world watched it all unfold.

On how to live greener:
I think being what is dubbed a “locarian” [someone who eats only locally produced food] has such a great impact. I don’t think people quite grasp how big that is.

More at Popeater.

Photo: PR Photos


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