Quantcast Vegetarian StarRufus Wainwright Loves A Vegetarian Reuben–Seitan Or Tempeh

Rufus Wainwright

Rufus Wainwright is well into his vegetarian conversion, except for the occasional slip here and there at the seafood restaurants in New York.

“I’ve become a vegetarian, and I’m adjusting,” Wainwright told the New York Post when he rambled off a list of his favorite eating spots in the area. “I admit, I have succumbed to in my vegetarian state occasionally, but don’t hate me.”

Luckily, there is Provisions Natural Foods Market and Organic Cafe in Sag Harbor to counteract all that fishy karma.

“It’s a health food store in Sag Harbor that has fantastic organic food and vegetarian burritos. I had a seitan [wheat gluten] Reuben that was actually pretty good.”

Unsure if Wainwright is confusing seitan with tempeh, because there is a tempeh reuben on the menu at Provisions with melted soy cheese, sauerkraut, carrots and non-dairy Russian dressing.

Photo: PR Photos


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