Quantcast Vegetarian StarJada Pinkett Smith Rescues Dog In China (Video)

Jada Pinkett Smith Rescues Dog In China (Video)

Written by Vegetarian Star on July 19th, 2010 in Actresses, Animal Issues, Videos.

Jada Pinkett Smith has already hinted she’d like to be an animal activist. When she bought a boa constrictor as a pet, she regretted it, after realizing it would be caged for most of its life.

Recently Jada told People Pets she rescued a dog in Beijing. The chow-husky mix is named “Beijing Black,” which means “Little Brave” in Chinese and he adds to the family’s already rescued canine family of 2 huskies, a shepherd mix and a pit bull mix.

Like other countries, China is no stranger to stray dogs that are in need of care and adoption, but the country is not without its share of concerned individuals. The Agou Stray Animal Education Association has posted photos of stray dogs online and Chen Chang-an, the leader of the organization, has been capturing stray dogs on the streets in pictures since he was a teenager.

He and other members from Agou, which means “dog” in the local dialect used by some Chinese residents of Taiwan, visit dog shelters in the area to monitor how the captured strays are treated while being detained.

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