Bob Harper Kicks Off Farm Sanctuary “Walk For Animals”
Written by Vegetarian Star on July 16th, 2010 in Animal Issues, Reality TV.
Bob Harper will kick off Farm Sanctuary’s 2010 Walk For Animals, an event meant to raise money for one of the nation’s leading farm animal protection agencies that rescues farm animals and educates the public on the conditions these animals endure in factory farms.
Since vegetarian Harper is one of the fitness gurus behind the popular weight loss reality TV show, The Biggest Loser, it’s only fitting he would put his face behind a campaign to keep both people and animals healthy.
“Getting and staying physically fit is a lot easier when you have a powerful motivation, and I can’t think of a better reason to get moving this fall than to raise vital funds and awareness for farm animals,” said Harper.
“When I think about the billions of sensitive, intelligent beings who are confined and mistreated on factory farms to produce foods linked with obesity, heart disease, cancer, and stroke — that is all the motivation I need to make healthier, more conscientious choices. I am honored to be the national spokesperson for Farm Sanctuary’s 2010 Walk for Farm Animals.”
Walks are held in many cities throughout the United States and Canada and are organized by volunteers. All proceeds raised through the walks will go directly to Farm Sanctuary.
To locate a walk in a city near you, visit the Find A Walk page. For more information on Walk For Animals or other Farm Sanctuary events and programs, visit Farm Sanctuary.
Photo: PR Photos
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